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Braces for Adults

Mature woman smiling with bracesDid you know that 4 million people in the U.S wear braces? Twenty five percent of that number are adults. The braces that are available today are quite different than what was available when you were a child. Because of these advancements, more and more adults are seeking solutions to correct alignment issues that were not addressed in childhood.

Have you been wanting to straighten your teeth? It's not too late.

Some Biomechanical Limitations You May Face

It is better to get braces as a child. The bones of a child are still soft and growing. They do not suffer from bone loss and their tissue is more adaptable to adjustments. If you are an adult who is getting or considering braces, you should understand the challenges you might face.

Extraction Issues: Previous tooth extraction sites may present complications. When you lose a tooth, bone loss occurs underneath the empty pocket. We might have to add prosthetic bone. This involves a routine procedure with minimal discomfort that is easily managed.

Compromised Oral Health: Children are usually in better health than adults. It is not uncommon for an adult to have mild gingivitis or periodontitis. Do not worry! We will address these concerns before we get started.

Bone Mass: As you age and stop growing, your bones become harder, and less dense. Compromised bone mass in the mouth can lead to inadequate blood flow at the root of the tooth. It will be more difficult for your mouth as a whole to shift and re-adjust into the right positions.

Why Get Braces?

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed by the obstacles you might face? Try not to worry too much. Braces are beneficial for nearly every patient regardless of age, and Dr. Daniel Rodriguez will be guiding you every step of the way. The alternative is much worse. If you have jaw alignment issues, otherwise known as a malocclusion, or crooked or overcrowded teeth the challenges will be much greater than if you invest in braces now. If you are in need of braces but do not get them you are at a greater risk for:
•  Tooth decay
•  Periodontitis
•  Headaches
•  Oral bacterial infections
•  Earaches
•  TMJ
•  Trouble eating and speaking
•  Halitosis
•  Sleep apnea and snoring

Make An Appointment

Have you always regretted not getting braces as a child? Is your overbite getting worse and causing you problems? Are you ready to have straight teeth and a healthy smile? Call Damascus Family Dental today at (971) 275-3442.
Damascus Family Dental in Damascus, OR
20360 SE Hwy 212
Damascus, OR 97089

Call Us (971) 275-3442
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Braces for Adults Damascus, OR | Damascus Family Dental - Dentist
If you're looking for the best braces for adults, call Damascus Family Dental in Clackamas County. We can help correct your jaw and tooth alignment issues.
Damascus Family Dental, 20360 SE Hwy 212, Damascus, OR 97089 | (971) 275-3442 | | 1/31/2025 | Key Phrases: dentist Damascus OR |